Work with multiple multi-channel maps
VFace Docs » 4.2 Work with multiple multi-channel maps |
The multi-channel maps have been normalized, independently, to fit them within a [0-1] range with a mid-value set to 0.5 (50%). This means that if you intend to use them in a unified pipeline and re-use the same shading network and values every time, you'll have to do grade them to make the integration efficient and effortless.
This has been made to maximize the compatibility for baking to avoid clamping since some bakers don't support FP 32bit range.
Doing this in a non-destructive way will be our preferred method. But of course, you can also import/grade/export the new image with new values embedded as well.
Fundamentally, this can be applied and implemented to any software having a shading network system.
Grading concept:- Choose your source/target image to work with.
- Add a "minus" or "offset" node 0.5 to set the mid-value to 0.
- Add a "multiply" node with a factor of your choice to match the source image.
- Add a "add" node set to 0.5 to get the mid-value back to 50%.

👍️ Tip |