Wrap R3DS Wrap

 VFace Docs  » 2.2.a Wrap R3DS Wrap

Version used 2020.12.2
Documentation Doc R3DS
Community Forums R3DS

👍️ Pros
  • Nodale non-destructive technique.
  1. First, you will need to import both your source mesh and your target mesh with the node Loadgeo.

  2. Once they're noded, add the SelectPointPairs node. Plug your target mesh on the left and your reference mesh on the right.

  3. Go to the visual editor shelf and select reference points on strategic spots: lips, ear, eyelids, nose, chin...

    💡 Tip
      you can check "sync view" to move both the models!

  4. You can export these point positions or import pre-existing point positions for both of your meshes.

  5. Plug the node SelectPolygon to the target mesh to hide or delete unuseful parts: mouth cavity, eye sockets... Use the grow selection for eyes and mouth socket.

  6. Create the wrapping node, connect your Target mesh, your source mesh, the selected points, and the hidden geometry. Then, press compute.

  7. Finally, use the Savegeo node to export your geometry to an output directory.

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