Discover - UHD Displacement

For years, the biggest and industry-leading VFX companies and thousands of artists have been using our maps to create next-gen characters and creatures.
The Ultra-HD Displacements have been the first skin textures to be shared worldwide on Texturing.XYZ.
This library has contributed a lot to facilitate Character and Texture artists' workflows, and the texturing community impresses us everytime with new ways of using the resources provided here.
Here are the community most astonishing works, using these maps.

Thanks to our tools and the technology that we have at TexturingXYZ, UHD Displacements have all the data to control all the aspects of the skin.
Providing all the detail to reach amazing levels of realism in no time, these textures have been captured in high-resolution (up to 35K), for both Body and Face parts!

Get astonishing results in no time! / Art courtesy of Ralf Klostermann

What to expect in each pack:

There are two types of packages:
Our UHD Displacement packs have included Micro, Tertiary and Displace separate textures.

How to use UHD Displacements:

  • 1- Merge UHD Maps:
They can be used separately, or combined together into a single RGB map.
It's simple, and provides far more flexibility to your workflows!

Here are two techniques on Photoshop and Nuke, to get your RGB map in less than a minute!

  • Using our Scripts:

    Download & Install our scripts in Photoshop.

    Open all the .PSD files.
    If you're using a Face pack, launch "Txyz_Merge_Face_UHD",
    If you're using a Body pack, launch "Txyz_Merge_Face_UHD".

    Export your map as a .TIF file, and have fun!

  • Do it manually!

    Open all the .PSD files.
    Copy/Paste all the files in a single document.

    Convert the document in RGB ("Image/Mode/RGB Color").

    Double-click on each Layer to access their Layer Style.

    For each Layer, assign a single Channel (R, G or B).
    If you're using a Body Pack, since you only have two maps, create a Solid Color Layer with a MidGray value as Blue channel.

    Once you're done, Flatten the Layers, and export your map as a .TIF file, and have fun!

Import your files in Nuke,

Use a Copy Node to transfer the map to the right channels,

Once you're done, you can inspect each channel data, using the display style tab of the Viewer,

Using multiple Crops, separate the maps in as many parts as you want,

Then export all the maps in 16bit .TIF with Write nodes!
  • 2- Project UHD Maps:
After Merging UHD maps, you can use them the way you want.
However, we'll cover here how to project them on Mari, to get the best results on your biggest projects!

1. Inside of Mari, start by importing the projection files you created in Nuke or Photoshop.

2. Be aware that you have to set up your Painting Settings. Go in the Painting palette, and set up the Paint Buffer with the right values. Use a 32 bit Color Depth and a 4096 x 4096 Buffer Size.

3. Create the channel that you’ll use for your model (here with 3 channels of 8K 32 bits).

4. Using the secondary channel as a base, projection paint your maps on your model. Imported in your Image Manager, you can choose your textures on the fly, by pressing the "L" shortcut.

5. When you are done with you projections I recommend you to rename your Painted Layers.

6. Create a Copy Channel Adjustment Layer that you will put on top of your painted layer.
Select the displacement layer that you want to export!
Just create a new Copy Channel Layer in order to extract the displacement that you want.

7. To visualize the displacement on your model in real-time, create a new Shader, and put the channel that you want in its Bump slot.
For example you can use the Bump slot to select your tertiary map and the Displacement for the secondary. Just remember that the tessellation is really hardware depending.

8. In order to adjust each of your displacement individually, create several Adjustment Layers like Contrast, Brightness Lookup… or use layer masks to adjust only the area that you want.

9. The last step is to share the secondary, tertiary and micro displacement in one last channel.
The fineDisp channel gives you the final result of your displacement. Export it flattened to use it in your favorite rendering package.
It is also possible to export each channel individually if you want to have more control on the result when you’ll work on the look development of your model.