Build your displacement network template with VFace

 VFace Docs  » 4.1 Build your displacement network template with VFace

In this article, we will show how-to get the most of your VFace pack. Having a flexible way to control all aspect of your displacement shader during the lookdev process will speed-up your workflow while also getting the best results possible.

Fundamentally, this can be applied and implemented to any software having a shading network system. Ultimately, for all the software (such as Houdini or Blender) capable of grouping / adding / exposing parameters, you can build your own displacement shader with an efficient and minimalist layout to controls everything with a single node.

Simple workflow:

This graph shows a way to split the multi-channel map, having a global multiplier (RGB) and separate weight multiplier (R,G,B). Lastly, this shows how to combine a map coming from a scan/sculpt with the multi-channel map.

Advanced workflow:

This graph shows how-to fully control the look of your displacement, per region and per frequency, thanks to both the multi-channel and ID maps. This workflow is intended for Artists having a good understanding of nodes.

A few notes:

  • The IDs are all connected as masks
  • The nodes used to control the weight per region are stacked using a multiply node.
  • To change the weight per region, simply change the input2's value (egs : split_red_multiplier.forehead.input2 = 1.5)
👍️ Tip
  • Be careful with all the input/output connections. While building the shader, render test as many times as possible by connecting the output to a plane to preview the results and move forward.